Tells you about the structure and content of Pindar's Olympic Victory Odes and then tells you how to write your own! You can write about a sporting celebrity such as Rebecca Adlington and there is an excellent example at the end of these sheets. &'English - Prize poetry&'; is the article I wrote in Resources with more ideas about how to use these worksheets:
A filmed parody of the Kate Bush song, 'Wuthering Heights&', which sends up the original novel as much as it does the song! Fun to watch as part of a term&';s work on the Gothic genre: pupils can spot the elements of the Gothic in the whole style in which the film is shot as well as the performance itself. Good for teaching them what parody and satire are as well. Fun if you've studied &'Wuthering Heights&';, too!
I enclose leadsheet (lyrics and chords) and video script. There may be some differences between the leadsheet, script & final film.
This sheet is designed to help students to think of the play they are studying as a drama to be acted onstage, not a book to read in silence. You can do some of the exercises in class or as a homework. Reading a section of dialogue with sock puppets is a fun way to explore who is speaking to whom, who has power in a scene and who is silent. Encouraging students to do this at home can make revision stimulating and memorable. Theatrical observations start to creep into essays as a result.
This two-page worksheet uses explanations, quotations and cartoons to help students grasp that the murder of Duncan is a crime against God that upsets the whole natural order. ‘Macbeth’ is stuffed with animal references which are fun for students to look out for in lessons and extract questions, but they need help first to grasp why Shakespeare uses them. These sheets are designed to do this.
You can use these sheets at any point during your study of the play. Act 2 Scene 4 is a good moment for them, though. You can show my video - ‘MACBETH - ANIMALS IN CHAOS!’ after going through the scene, then give them the worksheets. I have also included two images from the video: the simple diagram of the Great Chain of Being and my cartooned extract from Act 2 Scene 4.
These sheets turn the apostrophe into a cartoon character. It knows it's unpopular because it confuses people. 'Apostrophe's Brain' tells you that the apostrophe only knows about two things: missing letters and things belonging to something. 'Apostrophe Unpopular' lets the apostrophe explain itself: how to use it's and its; when to use clown's shoes and clowns' shoes. Pupils can then write their own examples with explanations underneath of what the apostrophe knows and is telling us in each sentence. All this gives you a way of talking about apostrophes that makes sense to a child, e.g. 'What does it know here?' 'What is it trying to tell us?' Note: If the colours do not come out in your copy, just get the pupils to use coloured highlighters for the different functions of the apostrophe: missing letters and belonging to. See also my PUNCTUATION PEOPLE resources.
This single-page sheet helps students to spark an idea for a great story about an unusual friendship. It can be used at any time of the year, not just Halloween.
They can discuss in pairs or groups what they think the different creatures in the picture are like and maybe think of names for them. Names make characters seem real in the mind and give them a life of their own.
You could have fun with alliteration, e.g. Bob the Bat, and with setting a mood, e.g. Snooty Candle. Old-fashioned or unusal names can sound mysterious, e.g. Winona the Witch, while nicknames can sound funny and approachable, e.g. Mike the Monster.
It can also be funny if a name has absolutely nothing to do with the nature of the creature, e.g. Colin the Coffin or Tim the Ghost.
‘The Something of Something’ is another useful pattern, not just for a character’s name, but for a story title, e.g. ‘The Creatures of Castle Spooky’, ‘The Mummy of Mortlake’, ‘Mutterings in the Moat’.
Letting your characters talk to each other is fun and unpredictable: you can never be quite sure what they are going to say. Don’t let the difficulty of punctuating direct speech inhibit learners. After all, if they type this, they can always correct things like paragraphing and punctuation marks afterwards.
They could illustrate their work or even turn a key scene from it into a storyboard or a strip cartoon for a younger audience than themselves.
Have loads of spooky fun!
These two illustrated sheets explain a way of looking at handwriting which transforms the task of improving it from a vague worry to a fun task. Instead of saying ‘I have terrible handwriting,’ learners are encouraged to think of their handwriting as a class of little people. Very often, I find that there are just a handful of letters that are unclear. When these are noticed and practised, the handwriting as a whole improves.
Learners can find it quite fun as well as helpful to think of their own handwriting as a class of little people over whom they have friendly but firm control. This creates a way of talking about handwriting in a way that is easier to visualise and remember. Your marking can be included in this, too. For example, ‘Can you see which letters are falling asleep here?’ or ‘Your ‘g’ is kicking the letters on the line below again’ are comments that create a vivid yet also helpfully specific image for a learner to act upon.
I always find it a pity if someone ‘hates their handwriting’, as an unruly blob that cannot change and over which they have no control. Instead, these two pages describe an approach which combines friendly curiosity in the small details that can make a big difference.
Check out my PUNCTUATION PEOPLE too!
This set of handouts, illustrations, websites and spooky photos of ‘Strawberry Hill House’ includes an editable Word Document. Together, they tell the story of how the Gothic Novel began - and how its author, Horace Walpole, unleashed a host of strange, entertainingly frightening and imaginative elements into the English Novel! Students can read the handout with its illustrations, then lose themselves in the photos of the House in its many moods. These could then inspire their own Gothic stories.
Students could even decorate the classroom - or part of it - to make it more Gothic, just as Walpole did with his ‘little Gothic castle’. The handout starts with a list of Gothic elements. The drawing ‘WALPOLE LET THEM IN’ does not label the strange creatures. So get students to discuss their own ideas of what they all are, what’s happening, and what the images remind them of in popular culture today!
The final document is a list of four useful Gothic websites for further research.
The drawings may also be helpful with students who might otherwise find this quite a disturbing topic. I don’t think my zombie would scare anybody.
This goes with my other sheets, 'HOW TO READ OLD BOOKS AND EXPLORE NEW WORLDS'. Like them, there is a version with cartoons and a version without. These sheets offer practical advice about how to understand a book that was written a long time ago, e.g. how to spot a word that you already know when it's hiding inside another one, e.g. disembody, dissatisfied and so on. Like 'HOW TO READ OLD BOOKS', this one aims to inspire pupils by suggesting what's in it for them to explore wonderful classic novels, non-fiction etc. Analysing how those books created amazing impressions in their heads can come later.
This sheet helps pupils to visualise the different parts of an essay. The head is the introduction etc. The essay dinosaur keeps its mind on the question. It only starts moving when it knows where it's going. You can use it in your marking, eg: ‘Good bones, needs more flesh’ or ‘Why no tail?�� You can answer the question, &'How much should we write?&'; by saying how many bones you want. You could tell younger classes to start with three bones, working up to five for older pupils. The Essay Dinosaur can help you to start an essay and write a good conclusion, too. See Lesson Plan for more details
You can give this sheet to pupils and let them read all the words on the witch's cloak. They can then draw or write in words around her, to give her some things to fly over. Or give them the Page of Nouns, too, for lots suggestions! Finally, they can take one word on her cloak and partner it with one word that names a thing, eg &'The Ancient Tree&';, 'The Empty House&', &';The Secret Road' Later, use this in a grammar lesson (see my GRAMMAR OCTOPUS) - all the words on the witch&'s cloak are adjectives.
A song about a puffer fish who has a terrible social life. Can his only friend, Jeremy the octopus, help him to solve his problems? A funny children's song or a study of friendship between very different sea creatures? You decide. For a follow-up piece in a creative writing class, pupils could write Henry&'s diary and Jeremy&';s diary at various points in the story. I wrote, performed & recorded the song myself, so the copyright is mine, but you can use it in lessons é school concerts however you wish!
Dramatic Irony in Shakespeare explained with a model of the Globe Theatre. Catherine Paver, English Tutor, made the mini theatre to bring Shakespeare to life for GCSE students and A Level students. This video starts with a definition of Dramatic Irony using a green plastic dinosaur. It then discusses examples from ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Page to Stage - bringing Shakespeare to life!
Terms used in the video:
Dramatic Irony:
When the audience knows something important that the character or characters do not. This may be something that has happened, is happening or will happen in the future.
The roof over the Globe stage, painted with stars, moons, and signs of the zodiac. This image reflects the Renaissance belief in the influence of the movements of the stars upon the world below.
The area underneath the stage where the stage trap door leads. It might be used for graveyard scenes by Shakespeare’s company, as a tomb or a place from where devils or witches appear.
You can print this sheet straight off and give it to students. You know your class, so you will know if the older ones are likely to feel that a dragon's cave is a bit too Year 8 for them! You can add your own titles in that &'The Someone&';s Something' format to suit any subject area or literary text that you have studied or are going to study. &'The Sorcerer&';s Cave' for &'The Tempest&'; could ignite interest in how Shakespeare paints Prospero for us. Have fun!
This song tells the story of Friendly Shoeman Jake whose red shoes suddenly learn to talk. They want to do different things so they start fighting... Enjoy using the song as a resource for lessons & concerts! This is my own song é recording so I own the copyright.
This song tells a story in the first person. As well as performing it, pupils can write their own ballad songs/poems. Use it as a springboard for stories: who was the Star Mountain Girl? What was her story? Diaries, posters etc. Pupils learn to create feeling with detail, imagery, rhythm & rhyme. In lit. lessons, the song can introduce ballads, monologues, setting, repetition é cyclical structure.Enjoy using the song as a resource for lessons é concerts! This is my own song é recording so I own the copyright. See base of lyric sheet for details.
Poetic rhythm is often neglected as it can be hard to write about. You can scoop up marks for doing it, though. The sheet 'Poetic Rhythm&' explains how rhythm can suit subject & feelings of a poem, é how to write well about this. You can give pupils this sheet on its own, then use it for anthologies é unseen poems. ‘The Tigger Song’ is a clear é memorable eg of how rhythm suits subject é feeling. Onomatopoeia, repetition, refrains é made-up words come up, too. Pupils analyse lyrics then watch the YouTube video, to experience the techniques in action! See Lesson Plan for more ideas.
'Comment on the choice of words&' often puzzles pupils. &';You're Shakespeare - Choose A Word!&' gets pupils to choose their own words to fill in the gaps in 10 lines of Shakespeare. Pupils then speak the lines aloud to see what effects their word choices have had on meaning, feeling and sound. &';Which Words Did Shakespeare Choose?' gives them the complete lines with the names of the characters and plays. Of course, you could compile your own examples from a play you&'re teaching. It’s worth teaching &';effect' = noun, &'affect&'; = verb, before they write their analysis.
Who or what is the Fire of the West? Get children to guess before they listen to the song. Get them to guess again after hearing you read aloud the first verse. Then listen to the song! Pupils could write their own ballads or stories with mysterious titles. Other creative tasks: diaries, letters, posters &c. For literature, use it to introduce ballad form: originally, a song that tells a story. Listen out for metaphor, simile, repetition, refrain, é rhymes. Enjoy using the song for lessons é concerts! This is my own song é recording so I own the copyright. See lyric sheet for details.
This song tells a story in the first person. As well as performing it, pupils can write their own ballad songs/poems, creating feeling with detail, imagery, rhythm & rhyme. In lit. lessons, the song can introduce storytelling poems, monologues, setting, repetition é cyclical structure. Interpretation, too: is ‘Thunder Gold’ a place? A symbol? In creative writing, use it as a springboard for stories: who is/was this person? Diaries, posters etc. Enjoy using the song as a resource for lessons é concerts! This is my own song é recording so I own the copyright. See base of lyric sheet for details.